Recent works
A few of my more recent paintings and artwork, details and work in progress.

Capo Miseno is a jaw dropping volcanic promontory, laying at the end of a narrow isthmus in the Tyrrhenian Sea and bounding the Gulf of Naples to the northwest. It was here that Pliny the Younger stood when he witnessed the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD. He did not know though, that Capo Miseno and the surrounding Phlegrean Fields are the result of even greater eruptions in a more distant past. I'm lucky to go there almost every year and contemplate Capo Miseno's golden reflections, seen from nearby hillslopes, the beach, and from the sea. The sand on the beach is brown, an echo of its volcanic origin, which I tried to visualize in the waves on the foreground. The pale yellow of the rock, the blue, grey and white of the sky are reflected in the restless sea surface. Houses on the lower hills are shown vaguely as details are unnecessary. They are just insinuated.
Curious about the volcanic past, present and future of this region? Read my article on Campi Flegrei on my blog GondwanaTalks.

"Anna and the sea" was made in the summer of 2024 in Belgium, commissioned by my best friend Riet from school. It shows her daughter as she emerges from the Atlantic Ocean on Cabo Verde, as if stepping from girlhood into youg ladyhood. On the original picture there was much less colour, mere sharp contrast and low light. Yet the turquoise of the sea was dimly visible. The soft pinks and earthen colours of the sand too. Or are these shades reflections of the evening sky on the wet beach?